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[农药资讯]“富美实生物制剂”荣获首届中国年度ESG创新产品/服务奖 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2022-11-22


  富美实亚太区总裁Pramod Thota表示:“我们的生物解决方案和推动可持续农业的努力赢得了ESG中国大奖的最高荣誉,我们感到非常荣幸。富美实致力于创造新的、高效、可持续的解决方案,不仅投资于研发,而且还投入市场的推广中。过去几年,我们的中国团队加强了针对生物制剂的宣传推广和教育活动。我们很高兴与200多万农民合作过,帮助他们将使用生物制剂纳入其作物保护方法,以改善土壤健康和作物产量。”

  富美实持续投资于生物制剂和相关技术。最近,富美实宣布收购信息素研究和生产公司Bio PheroApS,得以将生物生产的信息素昆虫技术添加到其产品组合和研发管道中。




马富强 QQ :107285463【微信号】  电话:18012698166 邮箱:ma@191.cn
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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2022-11-22
马富强 QQ :107285463【微信号】  电话:18012698166 邮箱:ma@191.cn
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只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2022-11-22
FMC Corporation recognized at inaugural ESG China Awards

  ‘Biologicals by FMC’ wins ESG Innovative Product/Service of the Year category Singapore, November 22, 2022 – FMC Corporation, an agricultural sciences company, was recognized in the ESG Innovative Product/Service of the Year category at the inaugural ESG China     Awards for its biological portfolio. Organized by the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, the ESG China Awards program highlights businesses and organizations that have made a positive ESG impact in China.
Biologicals by FMC demonstrates the company’s commitment to providing farmers with sciencebacked biological solutions to help sustainably manage crops, protect yields and combat resistance. In China, FMC focused on ecological management solutions for soil, which has problems such as acidification and hardening commonly faced by growers in the country.
Pramod Thota, FMC Asia Pacific president, said “We are honored that our biological solutions and efforts to advance sustainable agriculture have won top honors at the ESG China Awards. Dedicated to creating new, efficient and sustainable solutions, FMC has invested not just in discovery and development but in improving market access. Over the last few years, our team in China has intensified outreach and education activities to promote the benefits of biologicals. We are pleased to have engaged over 2 million farmers, helping them integrate the use of biologicals in their crop protection approach to improve soil health and crop yield.”
Chinese growers are quickly adopting FMC’s Structure®, Monarch® and Seamaxx® biostimulants to balance soil microbial communities and improve nutrient utilization. In 2020, Structure® biostimulant was named a ‘Strongly Recommended Product’ by the Hebei Plant Protection Technology Promotion Association and Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technology Newspaper. In 2021, Monarch® biostimulant was awarded the title of ‘Innovative Product’ in a fertilizer and pesticide reduction and efficiency campaign organized by the China Agro-technological Extension Association (CATEA).
FMC continues to invest in biologicals and adjacent technologies. Most recently, the company announced the acquisition of BioPhero ApS, a pheromone research and production company, adding biologically produced pheromone insect control technology to its product portfolio and R&D pipeline.  
马富强 QQ :107285463【微信号】  电话:18012698166 邮箱:ma@191.cn
相逢是首歌 , 有你也有我 ; 好好工作  , 天天上网  ; 我为人人 , 人人为我 。

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2022-11-22
马富强 QQ :107285463【微信号】  电话:18012698166 邮箱:ma@191.cn
相逢是首歌 , 有你也有我 ; 好好工作  , 天天上网  ; 我为人人 , 人人为我 。
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